Tiny Tina Cosplay
Who is Tiny Tina?
Tiny Tina is a 13 year old explosive expert from the video game Borderlands 2. She is an orphan who lost her mind (sort of) after some psychos killed her parents in front of her. Now she enjoys a vulgar vocabulary, tea parties and crumpets.Why choose Tiny Tina?
Wanting to stick to Borderlands 2, after Daisy, I figured I needed a better recognizable cosplay, none of the other female characters specially attracted me to them. Especially the sirens who have body tattoos (an annoying thing with cosplay). So although Tina has a lot of clothing and details, it's a bit "easy" since her clothes are ragged and dirty.Making Tiny Tina
Tiny Tina has a lot going on, she has blonde hair, a mask on her head, half a dress, pants, 2 different socks, 2 fannypacks, a backpack, dynamite, a watch, 2-3 shirts under her dress, half a sleeve... It's a lot.Head
I don't have short blonde hair, so I needed to buy a wig. (Let me just say, when the wig comes off and my magnificent real, long hair falls back on my shoulders, it looks glorious.) I bought my wig from AliExpress and it got to me under a month which was impressive and at a reasonable price!Psycho mask:I bought a cheap crafting mask and a pc fan and maché'd it into this:
I found several clothing items that matched color and the design in mind, a white sleeveless shirt, a fat brown apron dress, orange pants, and brown pants, at the thrift shop. I cut up some brown and sewed it at the required areas on the orange pants. I used some bits of orange to sew at the top of the white sleeveless shirt and added the pink (which I got from my cousin, it was a pyjama cardigan) to the top part. I then cut up and reshaped the brown dress and sewed it on the white shirt. I used leftovers to create straps and added a zipper to the back so it's easier to get in and out of it. I'm not entirely satisfied with my sleeveless-sleeves (because Tiny Tina kind of has her shoulders covered) but it'll do for now. I also used the pink leftover to sew a fake apron on the front with a bunny on it. Then I cell shaded everything.Accessories
Fannypacks and dynamite: I found the perfect butt-pack on eBay, it's the wrong color but it works. Then I got this ridiculous black purse and turned it into a brown front fannypack. The dynamite is all crafted. I didn't make the backpack Tina has, I used my own that has "leather" straps.Here's a combo pic of the buttpack and the dynamite:
Sadly the dynamite was damaged at comiccon, I can't walk straight and kept smashing it everywhere, so the thing that held it on the 'belt' gave up on me. The "wires" also gave up after a few people bumped into me and I accidentally pierced one of the dynamites with my thumb...
The sleeve: I was happy with but after seeing many other Tiny Tina Cosplays, I realize it's popularly gray, which is lame. And my is too thin, so I'll try adding layers to see how it goes or scrap it and try with some gray. I used some brown apron bits to sew the stripes and the higher stripes are..DUN..DUN..DUN dog collars. (Kudos to my cousin for this idea.)
Shoes: The black one is my own comfy walking shoe, the brown is my mom's so I didn't cell shade them.
The final product
This isn't the most flattering shot, so next we have a selfie!

What sucks is the mask was worn on opposite side of my head that I find most flattering when I smile.. so I have no pictures where you can clearly see it. And I just realized I have no photos of myself that aren't selfies or groups!! We shall rectify this next Con.
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