So I saw a comedic, very gay, movie this weekend. It was a random funny movie like American Pie but it opened my eyes even more about the gay community. I have even less ideas why people are against homosexuality now, there's absolutely nothing different in the sense of it all.
So in the movie, it's a group of friends who all make a pact to lose their virginity before they start college and then obviously they all end up losing it on the same night at a party the night before college starts. The main guy is pretty much Jim in American Pie, there's a Jock, a Nerd and the fourth is the "girly" one, called a "flamer" in the gay community. Then unsurprisingly the nerd is 'hot' behind his glasses and ends up with the jock. The flamer finds someone he likes and Jim ends up with the rejected guys nerd and jock left, to be with each other, in a threesome.
All in all, a funny movie, though the crazy lesbian kind of threw me off cause she was a bit hill billy and gross.. but the story about the four boys was cute and typical. I enjoyed the movie and the cute love story between Nerd and Jock. The all too familiar scenes of "Jim" and his dad was seriously copied from American Pie.
Anyway, corny movie, but the message to me was powerful because it showed me that there is absolutely nothing different between heterosexuality and homosexuality. It's exactly the same.
People let themselves be bothered by it just because they actually have no idea what it's like. Everyone should watch this movie just so it opens their eyes and they can release their unless hate.
What people do behind their closed doors is their own business, whether they be married, players, hetero, gay, asexual, etc. We're all adults and we should know better, what is the point of hating one another for something like this? We have so many things to worry about in this world that judging each other for who we love should not be an option. If two men love each other and create something beautiful, how is that more wrong than a hetero couple who verbally and physically abuse one another?
Everything we do heterosexually is done homosexually. So can everyone
against it get over themselves? You don't get a say into how someone
lives their lives just like they don't for your life.